
Sunday, May 29, 2022

Utah is at extreme risk for wildfires right now. The New York Times in a recent article said “Southwest Utah…has some of the highest fire risk in the country.” You can see that this fact is illustrated by the very dark marking on the map. 

In response to this risk, the State of Utah has issued a Proclamation of Advanced Closed Fire Season in Washington County. The closed fire season which would normally begin on June 1 is already in place. I am including that document below, but click this link for a copy that is more clear

In conjunction with that, there are strict guidelines for campfires which applies to any fires we have in fire pits in our yards. Please read the document carefully to understand how big the pit must be, how far from vegetation and the age of the person attending the fire. Running water and a shovel must be close at hand. There are also guidelines for putting out the fire. Click this link to read the full docment. 

We all love our beautiful forest home and these restrictions are to protect it. Let’s willingly observe them.

Saturday, May 14, 2022


JUNE 7 IS THE DAY!!! Pine Valley residents and property owners have participated in the long process of creating an overlay zone that we hope will guide future development in a way to preserve what we have agreed makes Pine Valley Pine Valley. Tuesday June 7 at 4:00 will be the vote that will determine if we succeed. 

There won’t be opportunity for public comment so it is our number that will communicate our determination. IF AT ALL POSSIBLE, BE THERE AND BRING YOUR NEIGHBORS AND FRIENDS! 

Commission Chambers; 197 E Tabernacle St, St. George

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Planning Commission will Recommend the Overlay Zone be Approved!

We are delighted to report that the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Overlay Zone. Four of the seven commissioners were present and those four voted yes. They recommended that one section be stricken--the one about a 15mph speed limits on dirt roads. 

We had a really good representation of people from Pine Valley in attendance and others who weren’t able to attend were watching on Zoom. Thank you all for your participation in this process all along the way and thank you to those who spoke today. The Planning Commissioners were again very complimentary of the work that has been done and especially of the large participation of community members. They said this is the way that local government should happen. GOOD JOB PINE VALLEY! 

The next step is for the proposal to go before the County Commission for the final vote. We will be either on the May 17th agenda or June 7. We will need crowds for that meeting too, so please mark your calendars. As soon as we know the date for sure, we will let you know. If you haven’t already sent messages to the three County Commissioners, now is the time to email, write letters, visit or however you want to communicate your support of the Overlay Zone. 

To send a message to the commissioners, CLICK HERE
Under each of the commissioners pictures you will see a link that says “send a message.”

Monday, May 9, 2022

REMINDER! Public Hearing is tomorrow--Tuesday May 10 at 1:30p.

Please help us show community support by attending the public hearing for the proposed Pine Valley Overlay Zone. It will be held during the Planning Commission meeting, May 10th at 1:30. The address is 197 E Tabernacle. If you want to make a public comment, you can speak directly to the commissioners either in person or on Zoom. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 890 7525 3900 Passcode: 157796

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Help Us Demonstrate Community Support for the Overlay Zone!


Pine Valley Property Owners, 

The Planning Commission has scheduled a public hearing for our proposed Overlay Zone on May 10th at 1:30pm.  The workshop held on April 12th, to receive feedback from the Planning Commissioners, was overall positive.  

We are now at the crucial stage where they need to confirm community support.  The public hearing is your opportunity to speak in person to the Planning Commissioners, either at the meeting or through Zoom.   If you don't wish to speak, we urge you to attend and be in the audience.  We had nearly 40 people at the April 12th workshop, and it made a big impact.   

  • Attend and speak at the hearing.  (May 10, 1:30pm, 197 E. Tabernacle.  Zoom info below)
  • Attend and be in the audience to show support 
  • If you haven't already, send a comment to the Planning Commissioners at
After listening to the community during this public hearing, the Planning Commissioners will vote on a recommendation to either approve or deny our proposal.  We then move on to the County Commissioners, who have the final say.  We will likely be on the June 7 or June 21 agenda.    

We are almost there - but we need your help to get us over the finish line. 

With Thanks, 
The Pine Valley Preservation Committee