
Saturday, April 23, 2022

Final Update on SR-18; Ledges Improvement Project

This should be the last update for the road project. The project manager said that they are wrapping up the improvements for this project. 

She and the crew want to thank everyone for following the process and the traffic suggestions to make the work safe and efficient.

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Friday, April 15, 2022

SR-18, The Ledges Improvement Update

Here is the week's update on the SR-18 from the project manager. It's nice to see the work getting closer to completion!

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Everyone is Invited to the Easter Worship Service

We want everyone to know that, as always, everyone is invited to the worship service in the historic Pine Valley Chapel celebrating Easter.

Monday, April 11, 2022

We Need You!

We need you tomorrow at the Planning Commission.  It will make a big difference if the Commissioners can visibly see your support for preserving Pine Valley.    Join us Tuesday at 1:30 (197 E Tabernacle) and listen as they discuss our proposal.   A public meeting, where you can give comments, will be held at a subsequent meeting.   

Here is a link to the agenda that has details on how to join by Zoom.  

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Latest update on the road work

Here is the latest update on the roadwork. You've probably noticed that the prep work for the paving is complete and paving should be started. There is likely to be more equipment along the way so drive carefully and note that the speed limit is reduced!

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Make Sure Your Fires are Completely Out!

We are all used to seeing Smokey Bear remind us to put out our campfires completely, but remember that caution applies to outdoor home fires as well. Recently, our firefighters were called out to put out a dumpster fire that flared up because someone had put coals from their fire pit into the dumpster. More serious than that, a fire started some time ago from a fire pit that wasn't completely extinguished. The fire was very close to the cabin and the owners had already gone home. If it hadn't been for an attentive neighbor, the cabin might have been damaged or lost. 

Please make sure your fire and your coals are completely out and cold, whether at a campsite or at your firepit. Your Pine Valley firefighters will appreciate it!

Friday, April 1, 2022

Your Participation is Needed!

Pine Valley Property Owners, 

The day is finally here and we need your help! 

After more than a year of doing surveys, holding community meetings and polishing our proposal, the County has scheduled its first public meeting about our proposed Pine Valley Overlay Zone. Now is the time for the Planning Commissioners to hear from you. It's critical we get as many comments to the Commissioners before Friday, April 8th. You can send an email to or send them by regular mail to Planning Commissioners, 197 E. Tabernacle Street, St. George, UT 84770. 

Your attendance at any and/or all of the meetings below would also be a huge help in showing community support. 

• April 12th 1:30pm (confirmed): Discussion item for the Planning Commissioners. This is their time to ask questions and discuss any issues together. It is not a public hearing, so no comments from the public will be allowed. That's why it's so important for you to send your written support prior to this meeting. Click here to see the agenda, which includes a Zoom option. There is another item on this agenda concerning Pine Valley. It's a public hearing for a request to rezone nearly 8 acres from Agricultural to Residential, requesting five 1/3 acre lots and one 5.5 acre lot. If you are interested, you can Click here to see the map and application documents. 

• May 10th 1:30pm (tentative): If all goes well at the April meeting, we will advance to the Planning Commissioners May 10th meeting, where a public hearing will be scheduled. This will be your opportunity to speak directly to the Commissioners (limited to two minutes per person). The Commissioners will then vote on whether or not to recommend the proposal to the County Commission. The County Commission has the final approval. We hope to be on their May 17th or June 7th agenda. 

But what is really needed right now are your comments showing support. This brief Q&A sheet about the Overlay Zone will give you a refresher and perhaps provide some ideas. The easiest way is to send an email . 

With gratitude, The Pine Valley Preservation Committee 

If you would like to review the full Pine Valley Overlay Zone proposal again, you can click here. It has changed slightly from the draft emailed in January, based on input from County Staff.